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EZ Rogue loot on lighthouse

for anyone wanting to get good loot really ez i will tell you how. you just load in as a scav (havent tested this as a pmc) run down the main road towards rogue camp on lighthouse, towards the gunner on the right and you will be able to shoot him right in the head and no matter what, 99 percent of the time they will not agro on you as long as theyre on their mgs, if theyre not, you will die.

here is a clip of me shooting the guy on the right. it is near impossible to load in as a scav to find both mgs manned because either theyve both been shot or the one of the left just doesnt have a guy on it.

after you shoot the first guy, you want to run into the rogue camp on the right, run up the stairs and quickly dive behind the sand bags. you will not be able to die from any mounted mg on the other roof tops if you dive in the right area. after you loot your guy, you want to run off towards the 2nd mg tower, hugging the wall because you can die from mg's when running. once youve done that, you can run up the 2nd tower and kill/loot the guy thats there but you will most likely die because its difficult to hide from mg's up there so, you can choose to be greedy or leave with the loot.

one thing i would like to see changed to the rogues is that they become more aware so you can just run up to them an shoot them and so that they cant head eyes you from 250 meters away with an m4 with an eotech sight on. they need to be balanced because they are unpredictable.

sorry if this wasnt in depth enough, just experiment with what ive said. this plan is fool proof, ive done it atleast 50 times and have died like 3 times doing the gunner on the right (as shown in the vid) but have had much less success with the guy on the left (worth a shot still)

P.S i do not recommend going any further trying to loot any other rogues because its incredibly risky, especially if you go into the middle of the camp, certain death.


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