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Fast MT/Crye Airframe/EXFIL helmets in-depth analysis

Hi! I've decided to make an analysis of these three helmets, as I encountered a dilema of which to choose. I was looking for level 4 head protection with earpiece slot free and faceshield protection. This post is mainly for mid/high level/gear players, and maybe some curious newbies.It is not post telling you to use them. It is not post telling that you should use them instead penis helmet or ZSH helmet. You have to decide by yourself if it's worth it or not. (many of you got confused in the comments, I know M80 pens these helmets, I know)

Important starting points:

– All of the helmets provides 4 lvl head (Top of the head + Nape) protection and are made of the same material.

– All of the faceshields provides 3 lvl face (Eyes + Chin) protection and are made of the same material.

– Fast MT and Crye Airframe helmets share Visor and Faceshield components.

– All prices were taken on 20.02 from Flea Market using only Roubles. Where I had a choice of camo, I've taken the lower priced one. There are options to get some of the components from Traders for other currencies, but wanted to make it easier to compare.

The table

I've created a table containing all necessary information about helmets and their addons. You can use it to compare and draw conclusions yourself. Grey rows are helmets, under them addons/extensions. Rest is self-explainatory.


I have made three setups with pros and cons for each of them. Pros and cons are mainly focused on comparing it to other setups of these three helmets. Every helmet got Low Level Sound Suppresion on Ears armor.

Crye Airframe Helmet + Chops + Faceshield

Protection: Top: lvl 4 / Nape: lvl 4 / Ears: lvl 3 / Eyes: lvl 3 / Jaws: 2x lvl 3

Penalties: Movement: – / Turn: -12% / Ergonomics: -13%

Price: 227k RUB


– Double lvl 3 Jaws protection

– High ricochet chance on Jaws from Chops

– Low mobility penalties

– You can choose to use just Ears protection (not Chops) to get lower movement penalties.


– Faceshield not as good as EXFIL

– Kinda pricy

Fast MT + Ears + Mandible + Faceshield + *SLAAP Plate

Protection: Top: lvl 4 (lvl 5)* / Nape: lvl 4 / Ears: lvl 3 / Eyes: lvl 3 / Jaws: lvl 3 + lvl 2

Penalties: Movement: -1% / Turn: -15% / Ergonomics: -14% *(M: -1% / T: -23% / E: -29%)

Price: 207k / 185k (without Mandible) / ~*250k (with SLAAP Plate)


– Separate durability of Mandible and Ears (Jaws and Ears protection respectively)

– Lowest price (without SLAAP Plate)

– Mandible can be dropped for price savings, using only Ears Covers

– *SLAAP Plate can boost top armor to lvl 5 and give you additional 30 durability on top of the head but you can't wear faceshield with it attached

– Comes in Tan and Black (thou Tan is 20k cheaper)


You cannot wear headsets with Ears (or Ears + Mandible)

– Lowest price comes with worst protection comparing Airframe/EXFIL

– Mediocre movement penalties, *massive penalties when using SLAAP

– Mandible is only lvl 2 with low ricochet chance

– Faceshield not as good as EXFIL

EXFIL + Ear Covers + Faceshield

Protection: Top: lvl 4 / Nape: lvl 4 / Ears: lvl 3 / Eyes: lvl 3 / Jaws: lvl 3

Penalties: Movement: -1% / Turn: -16% / Ergonomics: -13%

Price: 232k RUB


– More durable faceshield (extra 5 points)

– More durable helmet (extra 5 points)

– High ricochet chance on faceshield (instead of Medium as on the Airframe/Fast MT)


– Mediocre movement penalties (almost same as Fast MT setup)

– No double jaws protection

– Kinda pricy


From now on, you've got all the necessary information to decide for yourself what is best for you. Remember that EXFIL Tan version has no mounts for faceshield (that's why it's 40k cheaper)! Visor for Fast MT/Crye Airframe is not worth it. Just get a faceshield. Using SLAAP on Fast MT is only an option if you really want to have lvl 5 top protection + headset, but then you might want to consider MCH TC-200x series, as they accept SLAAP plate as well. You'd probably be far better off using something else like Altyn (lvl 5 faceshield, vision obstructed heavily), LSHZ (lvl 4 faceshield) or Vulcan (lvl 6 helmet + lvl 4 faceshield), if you need more protection.

My opinion:

If you are going for lowest price (185k for all-round protection) but without headset, go for Fast MT without Mandible. Mandible protection is lackluster. You can also drop Ears protection to be able to wear headset + faceshield combo, with even lower price – not all-round protection though.

If you are going for best overall, go for Crye Airframe. Low movement penalties, all-round protection with headset on.

If you want to have some extra durability and better eyes (arguably also jaws) protection, go for EXFIL. Might be able to tank some more, but wouldn't count on that, and rather go for other helmet.

If you'd like to see such a comparison of other types of equipment, let me know, I might make one!

Any suggestions much appreciated. Enjoy!

Big thanks to u/RobZ212 and u/WickedChew for Fast MT corrections!


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