Future biome idea

Walheim: how to make delicious mead and what it is for

I have over 300 hours poured into this game. First off to Iron Gate, you guys are absolutely fucking amazing. This is single handedly the best game I've spent money on (and only $20 at that!) in probably 15 years. Now I know you guys are hard at work on the next biome but I had a few ideas in hopes that maybe they might make their way into the game. My biggest wish is to see another forest type biome (perhaps with redwoods or something similar) that feature bears, maybe squirrels (adding another passive critter type like hares and deer), with maybe elves (dokkalfar possibly?) being similar to the dwarves in mistlands where they're friendly until attacked or breaking their stuff. Or perhaps adding both Dokkalfar and Ljosalfar (dark and light elves) and making one passive and the other aggressive. Other than that rather large scale idea, the others are mainly just small things to expand on building like being able to use raw meat and dandelions with item stands and maybe adding of more floral items as well as maybe a few more options for doors. Either way, just food for thought!

Edit: With that addition of bears, would be awesome to also see an armor set based on the legendary berserkers adding bonuses to 2h axes.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/11wcv7j/future_biome_idea/

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