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How I’ve Been Making Money FAST and EASY

One of the biggest challenge of a new player is making money. While there a several straight forward ways to do that, I've found one way that really helps me make large sums of money quickly. The Marked Room key. On Customs, the third floor of dorms there's a locked room at the very end of the south side of the building. To unlock this room you need the marked room key. This key only costs about 35k on the flea market. It is limited to 25 uses but you will easily make money back within 3 or so runs. This room can spawn keytools, documents cases, and ammo and weapons cases along with various high tier weapons such as the HK 416 and the RSASS. The keytool sells for around 600k and only takes up 1 spot in your alpha/gamma so it's guaranteed if you get lucky and find one. The only caveat is not making it to dorms before someone else loots it. Spawning at South Fence Passage guarantees you will get there before anyone else. Hope this helps some new players!


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