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HowTo use NVIDIA Freestyle with old Geforce Experience after this patch (0.12.1)

As you probably know there is an issue with current versions of Geforce Experience and Escape from Tarkov, where it claims that the game is not compatible:

BSG knows about this problem and is working on determining and fixing the problem, but until then you can use an old version of Geforce Experience to work around it.

The newest version that I tested successfully was, download it here:

Now uninstall Geforce Experience and install the new version. Start it and log in, make sure the in game overlay and Freestyle are enabled. You don't have to enable experimental features to get Freestyle to work, however you need to prevent it from automatically updating because that will break it again.

Geforce Experience checks for updates while running and tries to install them every time it starts, so one solution is to never open it again. However, what if you want to change some of its settings or update drivers?

There are lots of old tutorials on how to edit the host file to block the update server, or to disable nvidia services etc. none of which work reliably on recent versions. However, I found that there is a configuration file in C:Program FilesNVIDIA CorporationNVIDIA GeForce ExperienceNVIDIA GeForce Experience.json that stores the path to where the update services places its information on the new version. If you edit that and replace "nv-self-update-path=Downloader\gfeupdate.json" with a non existing path (eg. "nv-self-update-path=C:NvidiaDownloader\gfeupdate.json") it will never find the update and stay at its old version no matter how often you open and close it or when you restart your computer.

Let me know if you find newer versions of Geforce Experience that work, and enjoy a non blurry EFT experience.


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