I propose a change to the crafting system.

Maypoles, Flower/Berry Spawns, & Seed Crops should increase honey yield.

I feel like the system right now is very limited and would love to have a more dynamic version.

For example there are so many different types of resources but very few that can be combined differently.

Arrows for example only use wood and other materials like different metals. But what if we can customize every item based on our stations level and the extensive materials we are able to collect?

Keeping with the arrow example, let's start with your basic wood arrow.

Every arrow has four slots which I would classify as:

  • Base
  • Shaft
  • Tip
  • Reagent

Now to make a simple wood arrow you would drag and drop your regular wood arrow to the "Shaft" slot. However, why not use a sturdier wood for better stats? Let's use fine wood for better distance or maybe core wood for more damage.

Drag and drop your flint, bronze, iron, silver, etc to the "Tip" slot and get various bonuses for those.

Why can't we light iron arrows on fire? Go ahead and drag that resin into the "reagent" slot and shoot some flaming iron arrows made with core wood. And don't forget those feathers for more accuracy, drag them into the "base" slot. If you don't feel like hunting seagulls for feathers right now sure forge them, just don't get upset when they fly off to the left and miss your target!

There's so much potential for crafting in this game, it feels very limited at the moment.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/sadhss/i_propose_a_change_to_the_crafting_system/

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