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Little reminder: Ammo is one of the heaviest things you carry

Ive seen a lot of people complaining that their STARTING kits are pushing significantly into the overweight threshold, and I cant quite understand how.

I just did a raid, lvl 4 body armor/rig, rifle, trizip, and my kit was less than 25kg starting

Exited the raid with another rifle, full trizip (nothing extremely heavy other than a motor), and I was only at around 45kg

I have seen people stating that their kit at the start of the raid Is already 40kg

Now I don't know the ingame stats off the top of my head, but I know from real life experience that AMMO is by far the most heavy thing you carry as a combatant

And I can see it being something easily overlooked by players

After all, a SINGLE bullet is rather light, so you don't think much about it carrying a lot, but OH BOY does it add up

If you are struggling to not be overweight, ask yourself:

Are you carrying too much ammo?

If you are running nothing but drum mags/extended mags, the answer is yes

For reference, I was a USMC machine gunner

When I was carrying ammo (600+ 7.62×51 rounds), it was NEAR impossible to lift my backpack off the ground with your arms only

The weight of the armor I wore was NOTHING compared to the weight of the ammo


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