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Makarov PM is better than the M1911 and heres why:

So since the addition of the Colt M1911 handgun, I figured I'd give it a run for it's money and review it, then compare it to other handguns in the game. Now the post itself is a bit trivial, seeing as how both handguns are kinda useless, BUT if you were thinking of using the M1911 as a sidearm, you might even consider using the Makarov PM or PB pistols. Here is why. First I will start with the user experience and how it feels to use the weapons through personal experience, then the actual number stats.

User Experience

Right off the bat, the Makarov has a lot more choices of ammo as it is chambered in the 9×18 cartridge, vs the .45 ACP, which only has FMJ and RIP in it's first iteration. Second of all, because of the weight of the .45 ACP rounds, they have a LOT more drop compared to 9×18 rounds meaning you need to aim higher for targets at a further range, and compensate more for shorter distances. It should also be mentioned that it seems like the sights on the 1911 are not aligned properly and the actual ironsights are quite useless. I find myself having to aim with the top of the slide rather than the front sight post, despite my targets being only about 5-10 meters away. However, the 1911 has a nice punchy sound to it and feels powerful in the hands and is overall a fun weapon to use. It's a fucking 1911.

The Numbers

I will preface this by assuming you will only have the ability to take down an enemy with your first magazine in a direct head-to-head encounter with another PMC.

Magazine Capacity:

1911: 7+1 (total of 8)

Makarov: – 8+1 (total of 9)

Makarov has an advantage in ammo capacity.


.45 ACP FMJ: – 72 damage – 19 pen – 36% armor Damage – 285 m/s

9×18 PSV: – 69 damage – 3 pen – 5% armor damage – 280 m/s

9×18 SP7: – 77 damage – 2 pen – 5% armor damage – 420 m/s

While the .45 ACP FMJ has a damage output of 72, allowing for one-tap blacking limbs and 2-tapping the chest, the 9×18 PSV round is also able to one-tap most body parts except the stomach, and still 2-tap the chest. The SP-7 round however can one-tap an unarmored chest and one-tap all limbs while also sitting at a much higher, supersonic velocity of 420 m/s, increasing the range at which you can reliably engage targets. The .45 ACP FMJ compared to both rounds has more drop, and while it has higher penetration and armor damage values, they are almost void due to their low percentages. The only way this round would be more viable is through an automatic firearm such as the Kriss Vector.

PSV and .45 FMJ both have a bullets-to-kill of 6-7 rounds. SP7 has a bullets-to-kill of 6.


Colt M1911₽15,514 / $131 USDLL2 Peacekeeper
Makarov PM₽ 6,279 / ~₽5,000 FleaLL1 Prapor
Makarov PM (t)₽9,000 – ₽25,000F.I.R. / Flea Market Only
9×18 PB Silenced Pistol₽ 24,096 / ~ ₽13,900 FleaLL3 Prapor
Stechkin APS (20+1 mag)₽15,137 / ~ ₽10,000 FleaLL2 Prapor
Stechkin APB (20+1 mag)₽20,595LL3 Prapor

Ammo Pricing:

.45 ACP FMJ~ ₽90 / $1 USDLL2 Peacekeeper
.45 ACP RIP₽418 / ~ ₽450+ Flea MarketLL4 Mechanic
9×18 PSV₽71LL2 Jaeger
9×18 SP7₽158LL3 Prapor

Makarov and Stechkin APS are both cheaper than the M1911 but the APS also has a magazine capacity of 20 rounds and full-auto capability. This make the APS far superior to the 1911 and chambered in 9×18. For around ₽5,000 more you can even get a suppressed variant with a wire stock. The only main benefit is that the .45 ACP does not have a purchase limit and is more accessible early-game / early-wipe.

Note: the 9×18 cartridge is also very versatile and offers a LOT of different round types. For example, in 9×18 you have the option of using a super-sonic high velocity "AP" round: the PBM round. This allows you to even further increase the engagement distance with the Makarov and other 9×18 chambered firearms. I've literally sniped people with a Makarov PM using this round. The only saving grace of the 1911 is it's ability to fire RIP rounds but they are far more expensive than any other of the mentioned rounds and available at Mechanic LL4, making it a late-game round.

So here is my review of the 1911 and comparison to the 9×18 chambered firearms (mainly Makarov). If anyone has anything else they would like to share, feel free!


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