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Performance and stuttering tips.

Performance tips and modifications to improve consistent performance.
Create a system restore point in case altering one of the things below causes incompatibility problems, I don’t take any responsibility for any potential issue even thought most of the modifications are deemed safe and reversible if needed.

Tarkov reinstallation

Fully uninstall the game and launcher, restart your computer and check that the files under are deleted:
Tarkov installation path: %Tarkov gamepath%
C:Users%username%AppDataLocalBattlestate Games
C:Users%username%AppDatalocallowBattlestate Games
Verifying game file integrity I’ve seen not find clearly corrupted file, so force a full redownload instead.

Delete/rename the setting files NB this will delete all your in-game settings, screenshot the in-game settings.

C:Users%username%AppDataRoamingBattlestate Games

MSI Mode (Message Signaled-Based Interrupts)

Is a way to set a higher priority for your system devices like a GPU, this can resolve stuttering issues if there are multiple devices competing over interrupts.
MSI mode is usually defaulted on newer cards and Quadro cards, but you can still set the interrupt priority to high.
Read here carefully and then download the tool here:

Find your GPU, check the MSI checkbox if not already done and set the interrupt priority to “High”

Disable SMT

This can improve performance for some people in specific games, but will reduce performance in other multitasking workloads. Project Lasso ( ) has a tool for per app specific SMT settings.


Increase the page file to 2-30GB and set it to use an SSD instead of an HDD. Windows and the game will always store some data in the pagefile even with plenty of RAM.


Delete the “GLCache” & “DXCache” folders under C:Users%username%AppDataLocalNVIDIA

Games will regenerate the shaders; this can resolve issues with stuttering and increase performance.

Disable core 0

A lot of system processed uses primary core 0, disabling Tarkov from using core 0 can improve consistent frametimes in some scenarios.

Results will vary as CPU bins and architecture can increase or decrease performance.
Do your own testing with process lasso

Comment your findings as well as it can be useful for other people.


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