Playing scav is not a free loot simulator for beginners, and it’s time this gets the attention it deserves

I'm the last person to say people should not play their scavs. People all have their own playstyles, whether it's being stealth, defending extracts, killing player scavs, engaging in pvp on high populated area's – it's all good.

However, I've noticed an uptick in complaints about scav on scav pvp, and that's because it can be confusing for newcomers when and how you should play your scav. So, let's go!

– When should you play your scav? Generally, as a newcomer – with the perspective of you wanting to become a better player and progressing, you should play your scav when you're low on cash and can't even afford a pistol anymore.

Now you may ask: but it's this how I should learn maps? The answer is: not really. The best way to learn maps is doing them a handful of times in offline mode with AI. This is by far the most efficient and reliable way to learn maps. Map knowledge is insanely important for success in the game.

– How should you play your scav? Just like you would play your PMC. And yes, that can include killing other player scavs. As long as your karma reaches above 0, there aren't much consequences to it.

You should at all times remember that you're not entitled to staying alive, and nobody will 'save' you for it. There's very little benefit until you reach 6 karma (I'm on 3.5 karma right now, which takes ages and I only get the occasional Labs card once in a while), and even at 6 karma, you generally don't get too many decent items.

I hope this much needed tutorial will spread some light to the newcomers here.


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