Project Scav Case : Is it Profitable.? (Moonshine Stats and Average Profit)

I've been working on a little project for the past 3 weeks.

The objective is to know in real time if the Scav Case if profitable.

I've worked out a spreadsheet , where i can write the item i got and it automatically gets the fleamarket price , and the trader resell price and chooses the best.

The spreadsheet has autocompletion, so if i write SJ6 , i get a dropdown menu that will show me SJ6 TGLabs combat stimulant injector.

The spreadsheet gives you the average Gross Revenu , the Average Profit if you bought the Moonshine , and the average Profit if you crafted it.

I've also made 3 graphs that show revenue and profit distribution in brackets of 50k

I've done 37 Moonshine run and will keep updating the spreadsheet.

The price of the different items is updated Hourly

Here's the data ! :


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