Quick less known tips to actually get better

extracting with decent loot is better than dying chasing the best loot

always use headphones

Learn & stick to one map as base / source of income

sound is your best weapon as a solo vs teams

Point gun placement. Keep it on head / upper body level moving around. If you need practice use lasers in an offline raid

Daily / weekly tasks are temporary, normal task forever. You can dodge annoying tasks by always doing your daily/weekly tasks and reach your goals.

always try to headshot every AI. Headshots give more EXP and it greatly pays off overtime

Cycle through your scav if you need cash. Even if you are ready as a pmc a quick factory raid & extract is free money + random loot

Your hipfire is awful with a broken, black arm. Same while moving with a broken, black leg without painkiller.

Map awareness > bullet quality > gun > gear

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/10vt2na/quick_less_known_tips_to_actually_get_better/

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