Set bonuses on armor removed. Distributed among the pieces of each set. That way we can enjoy mix’n’matching for different styles or preferences.

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

Leather armor could give 0.1 slash resistance per piece, and bonus to wet status stamina penalty etc. By giving pieces of sets a minor bonus distributed among the pieces you can mix'n'match armors. Would help a lot for RP and immersion not being so forced into wearing a full set.

Right now some sets are really OP and some are just straight up trash. What about giving leather armor a unique bonus? Like reduced stamina penalty for being wet – dunno.

Not sure how everyone feels about set bonuses. Personally I don't enjoy it at all because from a powergaming standpoint you get punished for wearing a combo.

Wouldn't it be more fun if the bonuses to each armor were unique distributed among the pieces? Because then you could for example go fenris hood, padded armor, leather pants etc. I mean you can do that now but the armor system isn't really designed around it.

When playing Diablo 2 in my youth I loved set-bonuses. IMO it just doesn't fit Valheim imo. Loving the game this is just a nitpick 😛


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