Stop Complaining About Ping When You Make A Bad Play

People need to realize that ping plays a very small part in combat. In fact, looting is affected more by ping than combat is.

The amount of times people have died by making a bad push either from a left hand peek or just pressing sprint before a fight (took too long to pull gun up) and then blaming it on the person's ping (if they're streaming or something) is just way too often.

The reason people blame ping is because they don't understand the significance of desync. Even if two players fought on 20 ping, whoever right hand peeks would see the other person first due to desync, and would likely win the fight. The loser would see bullets being shot at him through the wall because of desync. On his screen, he hasn't received the update that the player has peeked the corner. This is the same regardless of your ping. Desync is just an issue Tarkov has. You have to use it to your advantage. Complaining about someone who's on 100 ping when you left hand peek them isn't going to make you a better player. Right hand peeking a player on 100 ping will almost certainly guarantee a win because you're now the one initiating the desync, and you could say the 100 ping is working in your favor, but it really is a miniscule difference.

The sooner you treat every death as a lesson and not as a reason to complain, the faster you'll improve at the game.


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