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stutter and memory leak? – try this!

So, as you may have noticed, the game is filling up your system RAM like crazy, especially on the map "Streets of Tarkov".

In my case the RAM usage is at ~29GB from 32GB.

The following is not a fix, but might help you a little bit:

After EVERY raid on "Streets of Tarkov" and after 1-2 raids on the other maps, I activate "Auto RAM cleaner" in the gamesettings (for at least 15 sec. / or while i am sorting my stash)
and before I enter the next raid, I disable "Auto RAM cleaner" again…
(you can also activate the "RAM cleaner" for about 10-15 sec. during a raid and it will clean some GB of your RAM, but thats annoying)

This procedure cleans about 10GB of RAM, without having to restart the game.

so try this procedure and tell me how it went

lets hope the memory issue gets fixed soon(TM) – so guys with less RAM can enjoy the game as well…


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