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Suggestions for boss powers tweaks.

Bones + Beech seeds = Chance of Birch Tree?

Eikthyr's power is nice and all as is, but I think it could be a tiny bit better.

Perhaps lower the stamina reduction bonus for run/jump from 60% to 50% in order to offset a minor addition: ~10-20% stamina cost reduction for melee/ranged attacks?

Reason for suggested change:

Including physical attacks in Eikthyr's power bonus would cover all major "Physical Exertion" actions [aka "the theme of Eikthyr's power"], which makes a smidge more sense to me than only run/jump (not that I don't 'get' the deer=run+jump theme, mind you).

The Elder's power is far too limited and I've never seen a need for it, making it fairly useless, in my opinion (especially when you can recruit the help of trolls and lox to do the work for you).

So, I think it might be good to expand his power's theme from merely "treecutting" to "Resource Gathering", by expanding it as follows:

  • Damage to trees (woodcutting): +50% (down from 60%)

  • Damage to rocks & metal ore nodes (pickaxe): +25% (bonus: this could also count when using a pickaxe on stone golems!)

    • Alternately, use separate damage bonuses for rocks (30%) and ores (20%)
  • While power is active, bonus resources are gathered when a resource node is utilized. (example: small tree +1 wood gathered; large tree +4 wood gathered; small non-loose rocks +1 rock gathered; large rocks and ore nodes +1 rock/ore per node piece when any rock/ore is awarded)

Reason for suggested change:

After defeating the Elder and finally gaining access to iron, which in turn gives access to the stonecutter and stone building pieces, is when players can really start to get serious about building their dream bases.

So, an increased ability to quickly and efficiently gather wood, stone, and (especially) ore resources would be ideal for players at this stage of progress.

Bonemass is probably fine as is with his "Tank" theme. Being able to tank damage is pretty powerful already after all.

Optionally, I suppose you could also add a minor 10-20% boost to stagger resistance when blocking just to really sell the "tankiness".

Moder: wind direction control is very useful for sailing, but not otherwise. Not a big deal really as a utility power, but…

Maybe, mostly for flavor sake, we could embrace a Moder = "Cold Winds" theme, and optionally add a 1 (or 0.5?) point per tick AoE frost damage, AND/OR add a weak version of the frost slow effect (5% slow max) for any enemies within 5 meters? Like calling on Moder's cold winds gives you a minor, pseudo-frost-aura or something. <shrug>

Optionally, the damage/slow benefits could increase slightly (1-2 dmg per tick / 10% slow max) if the player is in a cold biome. While useless against native cold biome enemies, luring in other enemies not resistant to cold could then be a strategy.

Anyway, this obviously isn't something that would be as useful in a fight as Bonemass's power, but… even when sailing, when you'd mostly want the wind-direction utility, you do sometimes still need to land, like for quick ship repairs or to quickly explore inland a bit because you see something interesting, and this "cold aura" would give you a minor leg-up when temporarily ashore.

Yagluth: Elemental damage resist is nice and all, but a bit redundant given frost and fire resistant armors and meads?

Also, Mistlands, presumably the next-intended biome after Plains and before Ashlands & the Deep North, may prompt the devs to change Yag's power benefits anyway to match up. Or not.

Will Mistlands have electrical damage in some form? Is that why Yag's power offers that resistance in addition to fire/frost? Will there be electrified Ruins traps? Electrified enemies (Mistland electric eels to compliment the Swamp's poison leeches)? Lightning shooting Mistland mad-dwarf shamans? No clue!

Thus, I have no opinion on any possible changes to Yag's powers at this time.


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