Take the Saiga-12 pill.

The Saiga 12 is the ultimate chad and masculine weapon. right down to buisness no need for fancy modding, buy the thick and juicy drum mag, fills it with whatever ammo you can find and just dump the whole thing on anything that is on your screen.
seriously guys, I had my eyes opened, this weapon is the absolute best in the game, it shots so fast, and the recoil don't mean shit with this, since it fire a big boy cartidge that does more than 100dmg per rounds minimum, you'll anhilate from this reality whatever faces you.

You get it by insurance all the time if you die (wich you won't that often) ammo is cheap as hell, is very fun to use, easy to use, cheap modding or no modding at all.

"B…But… anon… what about the long range engagement???" says the sweaty virgin meta simp ignorant.

And for that I say, take a cheap VPO or a mosin with you if you are on maps like shoreline, and if you wanna do some sniping I guess… Or just buy a scope and put some slugs inside (whatever slug) and shot the baddies. don't bother aiming, just shot at center of mass and the sheer damage along with your masculine and chad energy using this weapon will carry you over.

Flechette works most of the time but cmon, get creative with the drum, use multiple type of ammo, become an artist creating new "ammo palette" for this amazing machine and tell me the results!

Don't ever play it suppressed and annonce to the whole map your position for PVP each time you shoot.

Playing this beauty augmented my testosterone level and now I can actually please my wife correctly. (she doesn't need her second boyfriend anymore)

What are you waiting ? Take the Saiga-12 pill.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/whwswa/take_the_saiga12_pill/

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