So, over seven months ago I decided to stop being a friendly player and turned myself into some kind of nasty contract killer who takes advantage of the players' naivness and tks them on purpose. At the beginning I thought I would do it like only a couple of times and at that time I didn't even think of involving more people in this kind of toxicity. However, I got so stuck into it that I am teamkilling people to this day and in this post I would like to tell you something more about it. As we know teamkilling in any kind of video games is perceived as something bad, but in reality it doesn't matter since it's all about pixels and people who judge others through the prism of something they have done in a vide game should not be taken into account. In this case (at least in Tarkov) it is a very reliable source of free loot which doesn't require any special skills like super aim or a chess player's reflex – all you need is to bring a couple of armor-piercing rounds (it depends on the class of the helmets your potential victims wear) and then pull a trigger against their heads. It's simple as that. You can even simplify the looting process by teamkilling your teammates by extraction points. Unfortunately, there is one catch – you might get banned from discord servers or any other communicating softwares for killing your teammates on purpose. Fortunately though, it's not prohibited by the creators of this game which means it's impossible to get banned for commiting such dirty and malicious actions. There is also no need to worry about number of people who will willingly play with anyone who comes and goes around discord servers. You can be 95% sure your potential victims will play some raids with you without giving it a second thought which makes the ,,CRIME xD'' easy and that's why I would like to suggest that people who struggle make money in Tarkov teamkill randoms for their loot. I've been a leader of Die Auftragsmoerder teamkilling organisation for over last seven months and so far me and my contractors have teamkilled over 400 players in total which means it's still pretty easy to lure tarkov players into the false sense of security. Just bear in mind you can get banned from Discord servers so you need to figure out how to keep yourselves concealed but I will leave this problem to you. I hope you will use my advice to your advantage.

Posted on CategoriesEscape from Tarkov, Guides
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