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Tips for the rats / newbies

I’m on mobile so I am not going to type a full essay, I am going to just give some tips on beginner maps that will help you survive more and collect more loot.

For customs I have a couple first off the map is designed to funnel you either through gas station or the radio tower surrounded by blue walls behind some great vantage points are on the rocks that overlook gas station it provides a lot of foliage for cover and a hight above the ground which means you can see over the wall that splits the map and see over into factory side this means you can catch geared people off guard on there way to the extracts another thing to include is rashala and his raiders spawn at gas station depending on the peeks you have you can also kill them from this location, next are the stashes places around the map, these include the buried blue barrels that can contain graphics cards food weapons & other loot, some of these stash’s can also be Jeagers hidden loot crates these are a more buffed stash in my opinion use the tarkov interactive maps and learn these stashes well they are placed in highly contested areas mostly so if you move from stash to stash expect pvp.

I also have tips for shoreline if any of you need some tips for that map on things like most efficient way to find the scabs you need for peace keeper and punisher quests as they are very infrequent.


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