To the new players who are scared of PVP, I have tips

git gud /s

Okay so I'm going to guess you may be broke, and don't know how to make money. Well here are some tips I've been doing that's helping me a lot:

LOW RISK, LOW REWARD: What I mean by this is you should find some spots that aren't high traffic and loot there, you won't get much BUT it will stack up overtime due to you not dying. Maybe do research on some keys that aren't great but could give something in some backend part of the map. Also stashes are good, there are a bunch of stashes in maps like woods or shoreline that don't ever get touched since most players go to the same 3 spots

Grind Scavs: Similar to low risk low reward, they don't give much but they help you get a feel of using guns and figuring out how to really play the game, and sometimes scavs can get something decent like a slightly used level 3 or 4 armor, which ain't much but it's free gear.

What guns to use: Keep to low level guns that you would see from traders, if you're avoiding PVP you don't need to worry about having a meta gun anyhow, use guns that no one would think to take so you always get your insurance money worth. Plus a VEPR hunter with m61 does the same job as a SR-25 just not as tacticool and less rounds per mag

Invest in bartering: Pick out some good barters and find out how to get some of the items, that way you don't really spend money on the barter. HOWEVER, also find out if the items you're getting to barter are WORTH the trade, if the item is worth a lot then sell it, if it's about the same worth or less, then do the trade.

Be defensive and stealthy: You will get into fights whether you like it or not, so stick to low traffic routes, hide in bushes, and never push, if you get into a fight, lose their line of sight, and try to either run or flank them, it's crazy how much they don't even think you'd reposition, I've killed many players who are still staring at the same rock

Any tips that you'd like to input fill free to comment and add to this. Share some experience you have to people get the idea


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