Top 1 Best Settings for Among Us!

Speed = 1x. Kill Cooldown = 25s. Anything else is objectively bad. Allow me to explain.

Despite the game being very simple, there are a few mechanics involved: crewmates doing tasks to win, impostors venting to stealth kill, and impostors sabotaging critical systems to win.

When speed is high, impostors can't sabotage critical systems to win, because 1 single crewmate can do both oxygens by himself. It has to be low to make cremates stop what they're doing and try to save the ship.

When speed is high, impostors can't vent. Because to do a vent kill properly, you need to leave room A and go to room B, kill, and go back to room A. If speed is 2x that means you have HALF the time to do this before someone sees you, effectively makes venting useless.

When kill cooldown is low, crewmates die all the time. And when speed is high, bodies are found very quickly. The problem with this isn't that crewmates are dying all the time. The real problem is that every time a body is found ALL CREWMATES return to the café, which means whatever tasks they were doing stop being done!

This is the huge issue: the time it takes to do a task is constant. The med scan doesn't scan quicker if you walk faster. You still have 20 asteroids to destroy. Etc. While you're doing these tasks, too much stuff is happening at once, and every time a body is found you have to restart it. The settings have to be balanced around these constants.

With the typical high-speed low-cooldown settings of public hosts, the game you get isn't among us. It's a killfest where crewmates NEVER win by doing tasks, so there is no point in doing them, while at the same time impostors can't be stealthy and hide because crewmates teleport through the corridors all the time.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


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