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*UPDATED for 0.12.4* Dynamic Quest/Items/Keys Tracker Spreadsheet

Hey guys,

So, a short while back I made a spreadsheet to keep track of what quests I have completed, how many and what ones I have left to complete, what items I needed total for all of the quests, what keys I needed, and what quests weren't needed for The Collector.

Since then, I have updated it a bit with insight from the people who have used it, as well as I did notice an issue with the original math that was used to keep track of the amount of quests. I've since fixed that issue, made it more clear on how many quests have BEEN completed and how many have YET to be completed. I've also added in the 2 new quests we got with 0.12.4. If you're interested, here's the links.

Link to main spreadsheet(Click File>Make a Copy to be able to use it):

Direct link to make a copy:

If you find any issues, missing information, or just plain wrong(as I said, I'm still fairly new to the game, and most/all of the information pertaining to items, amount of items, and the quests, were all gathered from the Wiki and various other places) please don't hesitate to DM me or post a comment here.

EDIT 1: Made the keys list on the master sheet strike through when you've completed the quest that the key is needed for. Requested by /u/XenSide


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