Hi all,
Just an update for the visual quest tracker as this will be the final version for launch:
After taking on lots of feedback from everyone (thanks a lot!) i’ve added some features and changed some things from the initial version.
- Added collapsable trader sections
- Added option to hide completed items from list
- Added search functionality for quests
- Added reset button – this is currently not reverseable, please use carefully
- Added level indicators on items
- Added faint glow when item is being progressed (above 1 obtained)
- Fixed a lot of bugs I didn’t know existed
- Added reserve keys
- Made buttons bigger
- Implemented responsive UI for portrait mode
- Made items link to wiki quest page
- I’ll be updating the items with any changed quests at launch
- Will be adding a hideout section as it was widely requested, just don’t want to push it out with limited time before launch
- Items are at some points in the wrong order (according to level order), but with the changing happening to quests I’ll leave them where they are as they are pretty much correct. Once I update the new items they will be in fully correct order
Thanks a lot for all the feedback! (Feel free to keep it coming) I hope anyone who uses it enjoys it and wish everyone the best of luck this wipe!
Oh and don’t forget to enjoy the holidays too