On monday, while farming Reshala for Ammo, I got the weekly quest to survive Customs 28 times. Yes. 28.
As I said, I was already playing customs to get some Ammo and in general just play on a more relaxed map so it wasnt too much of an issue for me.
I started to hit Safes more often lately and Ive noticed, that the amount of money you can make from them is pretty good.
So I ran Customs 26 times (counting only the runs where ive hit atleast 1 safe) and documented all my Safe loot in a
Now you may ask, why tf should I open Safes all day if I can just go to loothouse/labs and make millions per raid?
Because not everybody can. Not everybody has enough experience/time to fuck with all the chads/snipers/rogues on loothouse and the complete crackheads on labs.
On the other hand, THIS method can be used by nearly everyone ( assuming you can get your hands on the keys pre level 15 ).
Why this run is good for people who dont have a lot of time and/or beginners:
- The keys are dead cheap
- The runs are really fast ( I was averaging around 11-12 minutes per raid and around 8 minutes with the car, the fastest raid being under 7 minutes.)
- Customs is kinda dead at this point in the wipe, except for crackhouse/reshala spawn hunters, and dorms is uncontested nearly every raid because marked room is complete garbage right now.
- The routes are easily memorized and the extracts are relatively easy to get to/there are many to choose from.
I tried to describe my routes ( very poorly ) in the spreadsheet and also put some other info in it, like average per raid and per safe, total RUB made, how often I got the items etc. and added my marked room loot and reshala encounters to the tables.
If you find any grammar/language/math errors, I am sorry.
Have fun and good luck peeps