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What if Burial Chambers and Crypts had lower, more difficult levels?

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Random idea: What if tombs in the Forest and crypts in the Swamp had deeper levels that are clearly more difficult, but also give better loot? This could add purpose to these biomes, lengthen their timeline in the game. The entrance to these deeper levels should be clearly marked with a different type of door or other objects and these deeper levels wouldn't need to appear in every tomb and crypt.

Enemies in these deeper levels could be, for example, only 2-star skeletons (and ghosts) in tombs, maybe even some (starred) Draugr. Crypts could have 2-star Draugr and starred Draugr Elites in their deeper levels. Or anything that would be significantly more difficult than the current, "regular" tombs and crypts have. Throw a Fenring there! Loot could be their regular loot, but in greater quantities, and also more advanced loot in smaller quantities. Finding bronze bars in deep tombs and iron bars in deep crypts would be neat. Maybe there could be a small chance of finding a dragon egg or silver in a deep crypt? Something to make these deeper levels worthwhile of exploring even a bit later in game – or risk it earlier if you're greedy for loot. That would be cool, imo.


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