273k/ton Profit!

Rackham's Peak is buying wine for 278,755/ton

The following Fleet Carriers are in the Hakkaia System buying wine and tritium:


-Buying 4k tons of tritium for 65k/ton

-Buying 15.1k tons of Wine for 5k/ton


-Buying 4k tons of tritium for 65k/ton

-Buying 20k tons of wine for 5k/ton


-Buying 4k tons of tritium for 65k/ton

-Buying 20k tons of wine for 5k/ton


-Buying 4k tons of tritium for 65k/ton

-Buying 20k tons of wine for 5k/ton

Johnson Gateway in this system is selling wine for 158/ton.

Note, 5k/ton on wine was the highest price it would let me set to buy at, otherwise the carriers would be offering more to help speed up the process.

Once loaded up, all 4 carriers will depart for HIP 58832 where they will be selling wine for 5k/ton. Rackham’s Peak station is buying for 278k/ton, 273k/ton profit. With a cargo-spec Python, you should be able to go from Penniless to Elite in trading after approximately 14 runs. With a combined 75,100 tons of wine to sell, that would be enough for about 19 players to go from Penniless to Elite.

Any Fleet Carrier captains who need Tritium, feel free to let me know as there should be enough on board each carrier to reasonably share 1000 tons per carrier, yet still be able to make it back.

Warning: Rackham’s Peak only has medium and small landing pads. Large ships will not be able to sell to this station.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/ofqch0/273kton_profit/

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