Hello, I'm Czech streamer who is incompetent to hide certain stuff about events.
So today I'm gonna post screenshot of my stream where i mistakenly shown 2 new tanks coming in upcoming days.
Sadly i don't know which day, price or currency it will be sold.
So with high probability on yesterday leak (which shown true) of 121B Monkey King and Progetto Mars now we know that other two are premium T54 Heavy
You can come to my stream ask me if the tanks are good or not, i will answer it to you.
Also if you gonna try to search it in recent streams or clips i have them disabled due the ongoing CW to not leak certain clan tactics. You can verify it through nightbot in chat by !zaznamy ,that's why only the screenshot is only proof.
Fyi. I did same mistake 3 weeks ago with Lion (And WG still not kicked me out of CC).
PS. for Marty: Last time you banned wrong person for that. (Kinda funny)
Proof screenshot :
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/112zbpc/another_auction_shop_leak_by_cc_with_proof/