A little rant about the status quo of the warrior archetype

witcher triss merigold gwint

When the cards for Skellige were presented, I was very happy that my favorite archetype will be buffed.

We don't need to talk too much about sove, the card is absolutely amazing (i hate immunity since forever, so i am not a friend of him). Seen in a vacuum, the two bronze cards are also really well done (I think feral bond is particularly well done).

On the other hand, I find Ulula very weak. Warriors have never been an engine deck and accordingly the archetype has no way of protecting them. Ulula seems a bit out of date. On the few games where I've put ulula in my deck, she has eaten a lock right away or been knocked out of the game in some other way. Maybe it would help if she got zeal or raids also trigger her (similar to holger blackhand with pirates and ships).

And now I want to get to my real point. Warriors now require too many puzzle pieces to function and that's why warriors are so weak (aside from the fact that devotion is just plain crap).

Veterans, raids, graveyard setup, bloodthirst, sometimes even discard package and now also beasts. And then it goes on. Veterans without bran are just plain weak, and even with him, they're only mediocre. Raids without the highland warlords are just plain weak too.

So what remains to be done? Right, you build a control deck around sove and hope his immunity will help you win two rounds. Of course stuffed with neutrals. And what can i say: I hate it.

What do you think of the new SK cards?

And what do you think of the warriors in the current state?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/xyusam/a_little_rant_about_the_status_quo_of_the_warrior/

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