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Dota 2 update for 8/19/21 (8/20/21 UTC)

Explore DOTA 2's heroes and find detailed hero information such as skills, talents, stats, and more

SteamDB has spotted an update for the game:

Size is close to 100 MB (with Workshop Tools installed). More info will be edited in when available.

  • A theme that will become apparent quickly with this update is that it primarily consists of catching up on a few things announced as part of DotA 7.30 but weren't implemented for whatever reason (most likely just forgotten about is all!)

  • The drafting progress HUD in Captain's Mode has been updated to reflect the change made in DotA 7.30 to the second pick phase

  • Sniper's Take Aim, when active, is now configured correctly for 7.30 and will result in a 100% active headshot chance as originally intended

  • Several tooltips have been added for new status effects introduced with ability reworks in DotA 7.30 (and a few others not necessarily changed in 7.30 too)

    • For hero abilities: Windranger's Gale Force, Warlock's Upheaval, Dragon Knight's Fireball, Omniknight's Hammer of Purity, Broodmother's Spinner's Snare, Gyrocopter's Homing Missile, Brewmaster's Astral Pulse in his Void brewling, Centaur Warrunner's Double Edge, and Dawnbreaker's Solar Guardian
    • For active-use items: Bloodstone's Bloodpact and Eternal Shroud's Shroud
  • In-game, you may have noticed in the 7.30 notes that changes to Chaos Knight's Chaos Strike didn't look quite right. This is fixed now and should match up with the website

  • And with a lot of strings added lately, there are also a lot of translations, made possible as they usually are with the help of Translators Like You – Thank You


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