An experiment was conducted using eye tracking devices to see how immortal players are different with archon-legend players. By looking minimap, you are always aware of what's going on around the map so that you can always be engaged. I feel like archon-legend players are more concentrated on what's in front of them rather than thinking or playing one step ahead pic
According to Alliance, there will be 3 majors for the next DPC season, meaning TI taking place in October will be a norm. pic
I'm sure you guys are aware of the 15 mins delay in CN. As a rumor said, Perfect World had signed a gambling contract before TI, meaning they have to capture viewers and keep them in the official channel to fulfill the gambling contract, otherwise they would lose millions of money. Just a little bit of background about Perfect World, their operating revenue has dropped nearly 80% for the 1st half year of 2021 compared to last year. That’s probably why they imposed 15mins BS in the name of Valve.
CN teams look pretty strong. It's quite surprising to see VG is leading group B. In China, fans refer Alliance as European Aster as they are both Team "A" and they are both #1 in their regions but "struggle" at TI.
So much of the maps are empty space that you use pretty much exclusively for flanking when you learn what goes where. The best examples imo is Dorms ...