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Elite Dangerous Discovery – Version 12.0.X with Console Player support

ED Discovery is a Windows Application which assists you in piloting in the Elite Dangerous universe.

We are announcing a new version ED Discovery, which now supports console players. If your running ED on an XBOX or PS, and you want to use most of the facilities that EDD provides, you now can. Use a PC laptop to run EDD on the side and it will download journals from the Frontier CAPI server (at 30min intervals due to Frontier server lag) and keep a document of your ED adventures.

See for help setting this up, or the 12.0 video at

For PC commanders EDD now supports the Frontier CAPI server so it will download market data directly on docking, populating your market data panel on every dock.

There are also more improvements throughout the program, see the release notes.

Version available here

Video available here

Major Features:

History of your journey through Elite
PC users: Speech output - make your computer speak as you scan, fight, dock, land. Add NPC voices.
PC users: Free Voice Control - control Elite using your microphone! Install the FVC action pack, make sure you have key bindings set in elite for items you wish to voice control, and talk away! Over 140+ voice commands built in!
Inara integration
EDSM integration
Spansh integration
EDDB integration
2D and 3D Maps from EDSM Data
Search EDSM star data
Combat, Trading panels
PC Users: Overlay panels which can be layered over the Elite screen to provide extra in game visual data
More than 50+ panels of information on combat, trading, engineering, synthesis, exploration, star data, ship loadout
Expedition, Exploration and Route Planning
Corolis and ED Shipyard export of your ship
PC Users: Webserver - this gives you a ROCCAT style grid on your tablet to control your ship by.
And more


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