And just plays for the love of the game? I take month long breaks. I always play at Christmas and I almost never buy anything. I just play for fun for real and ignore the "sweaty".
I've done clan stuff. Wars and Stronks.
Marathons? Oh yes my dumbass did so many of them and never finished a single one but I bought the tank at 90% off several times.
I have more premium tanks than I know what to do with!
I don't even care! It just feels like home to see World of Tanks on my pc screen sometimes.
So now at 26000 games with meh stats I still come back to this shitter for good memories and good times.
Yes I buy Premium for Holiday Ops. Yes I might this year buy boxes. It just feels like part of my life after 9 years. The only time I bought boxes was when the Type-59 was in them. Didn't get one but whatevers….
This is still my game that I always update and occasionally play. It's a good game.