Is it easy to maintain a carrier if you don’t play a lot? Easy!

o7 Commanders.

Once you have bought a carrier in the minimum configuration (5 billion), do you need from 5 to 8 million per week to maintain it? Is it a lot or a little? Few.

All you need is a truck that will allow you to trade Agronomic Treatment. You jump to the system where you buy cargo at 3-4-5k per ton. Fill for example 5-6 thousand tons of cargo. Then you jump to the system where you can sell it for 28-29k per ton. And unload your carrier. I use a cutter without a shield, which allows me to transport 784 tons at a time. Depending on the relative position of the base and the carrier, each loading or unloading operation will take up to 10 minutes. As it is right, you will even spend less time, it is doubtful that more time.

The price gap for Agronomic Treatment is generally 3k buy and 31k sell, but in this case you will compete with other carriers. Option 5k-29k is generally trouble-free.

Profit per all operation – (29000-5000)*5000= 120,000,000.

That's enough to pay 8 million for a carrier for 15 weeks. Almost 4 months.

The time you spend on the operation if you use the cutter without a shield is one evening. 15 minutes to jump to the system, an hour and a half to load, 15 minutes to jump to the system where you will sell and an hour and a half to unload. That's all – for 15 weeks you are free to do whatever you want.

Spend a weekend on this and you can forget about carrier money for a year.


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