I can't imagine I'm the only one struggling to wade through all the goods and data and find what's useful and what's trash.
I've compiled an alphabetical list of what is used based on upgrading every weapon and every suit. Engineering mods aren't all known yet, but this list contains everything currently known to be used.
If other people find this list helpful, I'll update it when I update the list I use myself as more mods become known. Also, if anyone knows anything to add, please comment and I'll add it. Hope this helps someone else!
Compression-liquefied gas
Health monitor
Ionised gas
Power regulator
Suit schematic
Weapon schematic
Air quality report
Atmospheric data
Ballistics data
Chemical inventory
Clinical trial records
Combat training material
Combatant performance
Digital designs
Gene sequencing data
Manufacturing instructions
Mining analytics
Operational manual
Pharmaceutical patents
Production reports
Reactor output review
Recycling logs
Risk assessments
Security expenses
Spectral analysis data
Stellar activity logs
Topographical surveys
Troop deployment records
Weapon inventory
Weapon test data
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/nom3eg/list_of_useful_goods_and_data/