The settlement Massey's Hold, in Ega, is a single building Military settlement, with the main access corridor being Level 0 access, and occupied by a Level 2 access Guard, who you can kill and copy the ID from to get into the OPR room right to the left of the entrance. In there, you can kill the three guards (one patrols from the bathroom on the left of the door to the OPR room, another patrols the kitchen and bunk area further in the room, and the last guards the base computers at the back of the room), and then shut off the alarm at back ot the room on the right hand side. If you bring a noise suppressor and your aim is true, you should have no problem getting to this stage without anyone else in the base knowing what's going on. Now, this room has two CMD data ports, which is very useful for farming the data that spawns in these types of ports. The cherry on top is that there is a reactor room right down the hall when you exit the OPR room (you can take Level 3 access from one of the guards in the OPR room, usually the one in the kitchen has it). This reactor room is unusual though, as it doesn't just have the one small locker for schematics and other upgrade stuff, but an extra large locker with schematics and other upgrade stuff. Oh, and it has a Power data port as well. Yep, it's that good. Easy infiltration, short route to loot everything, extra schematics (the OPR room has some in the large locker to the right hand side when you enter it as well), 2 CMD data ports, a Power data port, and a free regulator. Faction that owns the base is also in an Election state if you feel lucky and want to help see if it will drop Smear Campaign Plans if we farm it enough. Good luck CMDRs!
Posted on CategoriesElite: Dangerous, News
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