NFT Gaming Model Is Building New Wealth Opportunities

There’s no denying the fact that NFTs have taken the digital art and collectibles world by storm. According to the latest statistics from Forbes, the NFT market generated over $23 Billion in trading volume in 2021.

Over the years, many industries have used NFTs to their advantage. The gaming industry is one of them. The NFT play-to-earn business model that has been introduced into the gaming industry has attracted audiences from around the world. You can take advantage of this emerging technology to turn your characters, player avatars, or items into NFTs to earn a lot. But you might be wondering what NFT games are all about? What is this NFT gaming business model is all about, and so on?

What are NFT Games, and how do they work?

NFT games are computer games in which you as a player can own in-game assets. The assets can be in any form like skin, weapon, other items, etc. You can collect these assets to assist your gameplay or trade with other players. The items are traded as physical assets, and their value depends on their use and rarity. In simple words, the more rare and usable an item is, the more will be its value.

NFT games use NFTs in their rules, mechanisms, and player interaction. Apart from this, smart contracts define how an NFT will function within the game. The contracts are stored in the blockchain. There is also a record for every transaction that takes place.

What are play-to-earn NFT games?

Play-to-earn NFT games allow you to generate an income stream by playing (staking, breeding trading, and airdrops). They operate on a smart contract, a program on the blockchain. Its purpose is to execute an agreement in the form of a code on meeting predetermined conditions.

Gameplay quality

With the brilliant gameplay and visuals of today's games, it's too early for NFT games to compete. The first games in this niche, like CryptoKitties, really resembled an outdated gameplay model whose value lies in the primordial nature of the use of blockchain and smart contracts. However, if you dig deeper, there are already more and more prominent games on the market today with well-designed backgrounds and storylines like, for example, the Japanese-inspired Monkai game. In the near future, many experts foresee the adaptation of NFT into existing modern games like Fortnite, but new developments on a global scale will not take too long to wait.

How to earn digital money using NFT games?

  • Speculating the Value of the Objects: The objects and items like characters, weapons, real estate, etc., are NFT items. Each item carries real value since these are unique and owned by an individual. You can make money by speculating on the NFT objects’ value.
  • Rewards: You can get rewards with tokens stranded on the crypto exchanges.
  • Tokens: You can stake tokens. Tokens can also be used to upgrade or build NFT objects in the game. More or upgraded NFT objects mean more value.

Both blockchain and NFTs have revolutionized gaming by acting as a bridge between video games and cryptocurrency. It has ensured a safe environment by keeping hackers away. You are now in an era where you have a gift of play-to-earn NFT games.


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