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PSA: Filtering systems further

A lot of you probably like to stack massacre missions in systems like Gliese 868, but as of right now, the system has two factions in an election state, which will remain for at least another 2 or 3 days. With so many systems to investigate on, it can take some time to find a good system.

Here's a good way to filter the systems down to your liking, apart from the filtering already provided:

First, do a search that matches your parameters for reference system and pad size/source count at maximum range (250 Ly).

The next step will be data cleaning for an excel spreadsheet. Normally, you'd just highlight the entire table and paste it in, but it includes those "copy to clipboard" buttons, and when you paste them into excel, they get huge and there are a ton of them, causing to take longer to paste.

In order to clean those out, you'll want to press F12 on your browser to open the developer tools, and paste the following code into the console tab and hit enter to execute it:

const buttons = document.querySelectorAll("a.btn");
for(let button of buttons){ = "none"

This code finds all of the "copy to clipboard" buttons and hides them. You can get them back by refreshing the page if you need to.

At this stage, you can now highlight the entire table and paste it into the first cell (A1) of a new excel spreadsheet.

From here, you can use filters and sorting to find the best systems.

I sort by L Pad (Distance to nearest large pad), and filter out all the systems that don't have res sites/Compromised nav beacons. I also filter out systems where L Pad is empty. Now, from the top of the spreadsheet, you have the system with the lowest travel distance to its large pad.

The next step is to put a new column at the end of each row with the "status" of the system. You'll want to click the link to each system, and click the "Minor Factions" tab on eddb when it loads. Here, you can see a list of factions, and their active/recovering states. Use these states to determine if a system is "Good" or "Bad" and put your answer in the new column on the spreadsheet. From here, you can determine which systems you want to visit in order to assess the massacre mission giving situation.

States to avoid (that I know of):

  • Election
  • Boom
  • War
  • Civil War
  • Outbreak

States to REALLY look for (again, that I know of):

  • None
  • Pirate Attack
  • Civil Unrest

I've noticed that Civil Unrest systems give many more massacre missions to pirates, that can stack.

Now, all that's left to do is figure out a way to get enough people to do illegal stuff in systems that aren't in a state of civil unrest, to force them into it :))))


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