The Wiki needs you!

Hey reddit, the wiki team and fandom needs your feedback!

We, the wiki team, keep the wiki clean of wrong information as much as we can, and add as much information as possible.

(We are still looking for helping hands, so if you show interest just join our Discord server!)

Fandom bought Gamepedia a while back and is now hosting the wiki as well as continuing its development. That included a new look and some other features.

Now we ask you to give us your feedback. What do you like? What do think needs to change?

We need your honest opinion so fandom can see where they should focus to improve. There is already a team working on the search feature, and with your feedback we have the opportunity to influence them.

Please remember to keep it civil.

We will also create a channel dedicated for feedback on discord where you can leave a comment and talk with us. The invite to our Discord server is

Thanks for your help and good raids to all of you Your Wiki Team


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