So this happened two days ago. At the time I had about 9 hours playing. I'd had a couple lucky mining outings after just learning how and what to do and got a little over 1 million Credits. I got my first cargo ship and immediately went to a 600,000 CR mission, so excited. It's 16 jumps, and to me that's a lot, but take him there and take him back….shouldn't take toooo long…right? WRONG!!! So I complete the 16 jumps, he says he wants to see two more places. Next system is 21 jumps away, jeez, ok. After a couple hours I get him there. The next and last stop I'm really hoping is close to the departure stations, because guess what, IT'S 36 JUMPS AWAY. At this point it's been a good 3 or 4 hours of carrying this dude around all while thinking, "Jeez, I made 600k mining over an hour WTH this is not worth it." I get there to the last destination, finger's crossed, I hope the drop off system is close. IT'S 44 JUMPS AWAYYY. Accepting my fate, falling to the temporary prison that is the sunken cost fallacy, and almost 8 hours later, I get this dumbass home. An hour after this I was able to find a trade route that net me about 6 million an hour, upgraded to a type 7 and now I'm making 15 mill an hour…Just whatever you do, please for the love of god, read the full contract and look at the full route before getting excited about the money. I wasted so much time and sat through the most mind numbing experience I think I've ever had gaming.

Posted on CategoriesElite: Dangerous, News
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