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To the Fellow VR Players Holding Back from Getting Odyssey: It’s Not Bad!

I was really disappointed when FD said they weren't incorporating VR into the walking parts of Odyssey. It completely turned me off to the game for a while, and I just focused on my other VR distractions (Euro/American Truck Simulators….I'm old). So on a whim I decided to give Odyssey a try and I have to say that it is worth the price that it is at right now.

The screen that goes in front of you isn't THAT bad, and doesn't really take me out of the experience as much as I thought it would. In fact, it's pretty cool, especially if you get a decent controller configuration going. You won't get the same VR advantage in PVP that you get in-ship, but the image quality is great. Granted, I'm running a 3080ti though.

Walking around on your fleet carrier and in the stations is worth the asking price IMO. As it is half off right now, I would very much recommend it to anyone who has been holding out like me. Who knows? Maybe FD will hire someone to finally incorporate VR into the full experience again one day. Also, I kind of dig the new UI and graphic overhaul.


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