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Upcoming Patch Reminder

With the upcoming patch the sub activity is going to sky rocket so we would like to make this announcement to try and prep the subreddit as best as we can for what to expect.

We will have 2 Stickied Megathreads on the front page. One will be for Bug/Issue Megathread. The second will be for new/updated content such as gear, items, and locations.

For this patches Bug/Issue Megathread BSG will be actively monitoring. Because of this all bug/issue posts will be redirected to it so that they can be monitored so if you make a post it will be removed and you'll be redirected to it. We will be making a template to follow when posting about the Bug or issue you're having to insure important information is provided. With this we will also be asking that you check the comments of the megathread to see if someone else has already posted a similar bug/issue to yours in which you will simply comment on it with your information. This is to help consolidate the bugs/issues, make them easier to track, and be able to see how many people are impacted by it. You will still be asked to submit a bug report via the BSG launcher and we will have a field in the template for you to add your support ticket number for them to track. Lastly the moderation team will be keeping an eye on the comments in an attempt to prevent duplicate issues from being posted so please make sure to check the comments before making your own first.

The New/Updated Content Megathread will contain a link to the full patch notes and will be updated with the links of those that are first to post about the new/updated gear, item, or location. After we have the first one all others will be removed and redirected to the megathread in an effort to keep the sub clean. Please search the megathread and new before making your post to make sure no one else has posted it first as this will help alleviate the heavy workload we expect to get. If you're making a post after a few hours of the patch going live chances are it's already been posted so please check first. No monitor pictures will be allowed only in-game screenshots or recordings. For our content creators the 1 linked post (i.e. youtube, twitch, etc.) every 48 hours is still in effect so if you want to post your video make it count.

Also as a reminder please report any comments you see that break any of the rules. We've been fine tuning out automod but things do still slip through the cracks.

Other than that we hope for a smooth patch and a fun wipe for everyone. The team is as eager as everyone here for what patch 12.11 has in store for us.

If you have any questions feel free to ask below or via mod mail and we will answer them as best as we can.


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