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World of Tanks
T43 is one of the worst tanks at tier 7.
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Can't even pass 1k damage on average in most games. It see's tier 9's almost every match, and with a gun that has only 144mm of pen ...
Eithyr chooses to spawn…well, on a tree!
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Don't know if this is a bug or not, but when Mighty Eikthyr spawned I couldn't find him. There was its large life bar, but no sign of ...
NFT Games
Finding solid NFT and Metaverse games is harder than I thought.
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I'd like to try out some new NFT games, but I'm not sure which ones are worth it right now.
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New patch notes! 0.154.1
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* Fixed issue where capes sometimes formed strange bumps on the back after jumping
* Close build gui with ESC selection fix
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