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Wisper ( former BC) post about beastcoast

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

Well friends, first of all I would like to thank the BEASTCOAST organization for giving me all the support during these years, they were always very good and I really appreciate them a lot, thank you for everything. Well sincerely for me at this stage of the team it is very difficult to express everything I feel and I don't think I have enough words to make you understand what I felt when I made this decision and what I feel now with the change; when I started playing in competitive dota in Peru with Infamous Gaming I really wanted to continue competing, to win things and eat the world, as many people say, after the slump that was in the exit of Infamous I had nothing, no options, nothing! ! I was simply in the nothingness, there was even a moment that I thought about quitting the game, because I had almost no options for me and then I met Chris and Hector in Pacific, because they were looking for a team to play with and that's when everything started! 3 players as a base to want to win everything that was coming, then Guashi, Scofield, Stinger entered and they fit perfectly with us. We went through many things, many ups and downs but still we stayed together even though at some point we had nothing, no house, no pcs to play but still we stayed together overcoming everything, that led us to where we are now each one; I mention all this because when it comes to making decisions for me they are difficult because many things go through my head, you always want to stay with the people who were there when you were nobody or had nothing because they are the people you trust that were there despite all the bad things, but sometimes you have to make changes that are difficult to take but you have to risk a little sometimes, I will always wish the best to those of the organization and especially to the team that I have come to consider that they are like my family like my brothers, I hope they do very well in everything and be very successful because they are great people that I had it clear since I met them I'm glad to have shared so many years with them.
and to all the fans that always supported us from the bottom thank you for always following us even the people who threw us hate in the weakest moment , I'll be always grateful for all the support they gave us and with which we will provide, even if the team takes different paths, for people who follow me in the new adventure I decided to take, I do not know if it will be beautiful or ugly but I invite you to live the new story with me, I will be more active from now on in my social media and putting news of the new team or uploading photos of what's new to come! !!
I leave you with a phrase that I saw years ago and I always remember it "once anvorguesa always anvorguesa".
and this is from me to you
"Never forget the reasons why you started to do things "


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