Afternoon cmdrs,
Getting some level 4-5 materials for grandma in Deciat, running some charity tours for criminals in Robigo, I fill up my water and come back to see a Python at my 11oclock staring at me (as I was sitting on the M pad for a few minutes), he salutes me in chat and I type back "wait I'm in solo…." flummoxed.
I ran into him a few more times (see screenshot), tried to scroll up in chat but I couldn't find any logs of his messages. There were 2 others who responded in System Chat.
I'm fairly new, the chat log and overall function seems rather buggy. (Am I just not understanding how it works? Tab to switch between local and system, arrow keys & QE to navigate, enter and space to type/send)
Can you encounter others in Solo? A bug, luck of the draw?