A Series of unfortunate events

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

I was playing valhime. I decided to sail around the map to find the trader in my new main world. I sailed for over 20 minutes and found ended up in a small cove surrounded by land. I tried to turn my boat the wind was against me. Then a storm started. My boat was then flipped completely upside down by the water, got destroyed and sank.

I swam to the nearest island which looked like a Black Forest, but it turns out it was only a small amount of Black Forest and the rest of the islands was the Plains Biome. I had no food as I had no intention of going to land, so I couldn’t defend myself against the Death-skeetos if one decided to attack. I began cutting down trees to make a crafting table and diving board (so I could dive into the water and get my iron nails for the boat) then build my boat again. Unfortunately a Death-skeeto came out of nowhere and 1 shot me.

Now I have no equipment. But I had the materials to build a new boat to get my body. So I did and I sailed for 15 minutes towards my body. Along the way I had to battle the wind (which was face it the opposite direction I needed) the storm which just blew in and a serpent I just about got away from. I was only 5 minutes away from my body. But then that’s when it happened. A fish jumped from the sea and hit me. In most situations that would be funny. But this fish was not just any fish, it was a puffer fish. So when it hit me in my armour less health less body it poisoned me. After all I went through I was killed by a fish.

Now I need to get my friend to sail me to my second boat 15 minutes away in exchange for a whole stack of iron. I lost so much time and resources during this last hour.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/z986h9/a_series_of_unfortunate_events/

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