I wanted to test this out so I didn't communicate 15 games in a row. I lost most because I find it harder to win without communicating. I didn't use victory prediction, I unbinded my hotkey for voice chat which I can't use anyway cuz I miss about 150 comms score, I didn't type, I didn't ping. Not even one ping. Also no chat wheels at all. And only in one game I drew one circle on the map, that was the only exception in the 15 games. My behavior score went from 8970 to 8923 and my communication score stayed exactly the same at around 7850. I got reported for comms only once (I suppose it's the game where I drew the circle on the map to show my team which area we want to play) and yet my comms stayed the same value. Otherwise I got reported 21 times by 14 parties in 10 matches. Not sure what for. I didn't get low prio, just -47 behavior score and same comms score as before. So if you don't communicate and your comms score is stuck that means it's either somewhat tied to your general behavior score or it's broken. Either way it's weird. Oh and I'm not gonna post my dotabuff as it's private, just wanted to share my experience.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/17w7qo6/a_simple_proof_of_behavior_score_being_broken/