I think it’s complete bullshit that you can choose when to use your first Aeon Disk charge. Your enemies have no way of countering it or predicting when it will be used, which basically doesn’t exist for any other item in dota. Other save items like BKB can be countered by stun-locking; and Aeon Disk itself (as originally intended) can be countered by poking or engaging-disengaging-reengaging. It’s just the first usage that is imbalanced.
Obviously it’s a cool mechanic and that’s partly why it’s been left in the game, but I think it shouldn’t be an immediate effect. Maybe a change is needed so that it takes 3-6 seconds to become ‘live’. That way you still have some control over when in the game you choose to assemble it, but can’t use it instantaneously as a combo-breaker in a bad situation.
Edit: I’m referring more to the pro scene. I accept that in pubs it’s pretty balanced cos not many people take advantage of it. But in a pro game I feel like it changes the dynamic of a game. But maybe it’s just too specific for most people to care about.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/10hlnzb/aeon_disk_anyone_else_think_the_unlocking_trick/