Age in dota 2

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

You have 150 milliseconds to react to a 100mph fastball. In baseball that is becoming much more common, 35 year old men are given only 150 milliseconds to make a decision on whether or not to swing and where to swing. Reaction time doesn’t diminish enough to not be a good dota player with age, it’s much more likely that real life gets in the way. When you’re 30 in NA you can’t live with your parents and play video games all day or you’re an outcast. When you’re 30 you have a family and kids and don’t have time to play 12 games a day. Hell I’m only 25 and I only have time for one game a day if I’m lucky and I don’t even have kids just working, maintaining a relationship, and cleaning the apartment. Being 30 doesn’t mean you have such a slow reaction time even EE is rank 60 and he’s 30. That’s all. Just tired of people making ignorant comments about age in esports. Lebron James is like 800 years old and one of the best in his sport.


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