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Among Us Bingo! Looking for input!

Hey all! So you "may" have seen this already but it was taken down. After talking with the mods about the original post, I was told that I could repost it again. I am wanting to share this with the Among Us community to see what you all think about it and how to improve upon the current iteration. Thank you in advance for those who give it a shot and play around with it 🙂 And hopefully the mod-bot doesn't take this post down… The struggle is real.


This was an idea that I thought up of after seeing many mods for Among Us. This isn't like other "mods" for Among Us, because it isn't something that you need to install/download. It doesn't really "change" the game, outside of creating objectives for you to attempt to achieve BINGO.


A round of Among Us Bingo usually lasts several actual games as each generated card has objectives that you would need to complete as Imposter and Crewmate, and even on different maps (Polus and Skeld… because no one plays on Mira). There is a list of different objectives, ranging in difficulty, that are randomized on the Bingo card you receive.


If you'd like to try out Among Us Bingo with your friends or even to just challenge yourself, here is the link to the card generator:


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