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An eventful night!

So, long story short I wanted to try out passenger missions. I'm still fairly new to the game but taking people on trips seemed like something fun, combined with honking the systems too and it could earn me money as I travel. Trouble was after I bought a Dolphin, I ended up in a position where the jump range was too low to be able to make it to other systems, and so after figuring this out I had to go back to my Vulture, then go to a system I found that had the parts I needed (a better FSD), then ship my Dolphin over to be able to fit everything. It took a while but then hey it was finally done and I had a respectable jump range of 20 something light years. Good enough for me. I started doing some simple passenger missions back and forth around Robigo and Ceos, and I'd grinded my way back up to about 10 millions credits, which is pretty nice for me considering I spent quite a bit on the Dolphin.

After that I figured I'd look at engineering and see about getting an even better FSD, so I looked online again to see where I could get a meta alloy. I tried a couple of carriers that had them in stock as of an hour ago, but alas they were no longer, so I had to travel to the planetary settlement that always has one to sell (forgot the name… Was it Danielle something?)

That was a pretty long trip I think with a lot of jumps, but hey I finally got my meta alloy and a lot of scanning data. Fantastic. Now for the big challenge of getting to Farseer.

I started on the fastest route possible, and quickly realised that my lame fuel scoop was taking ages to refuel. Oh well, with a bit of patience then I'll get there eventually, so on I went. For some reason or another though, the route I had planned passed me though a lot of Brown dwarf stars in a row, and halfway through that segment I was dangerously low on fuel. Panicking a bit, I set the filter to refuel stars only and found a system with one that was within my now very limited range. Off I went and… Wow… This is slow. Luckily though there was a base on a planet in the system that I could refuel from.

Fully fueled up, I was now ready to finish the journey to get to Farseer. I was pretty excited at this point – only 6 jumps left until I was in the system.

The rest of this long ordeal was fairly uneventful – I made it to the system and then set a course for Farseer Inc. I approached the planet, got into orbit and then started my descent. Finally, I was here.

At only a few km away, and just as I was about to request docking, I was destroyed in an instant. Shields failed within a second and then boom. I was gone.

I thought I hit something somehow at first, but it turned out that it was another player that I guess was camping and killing people as they got nearby.

Honestly, I was pretty bummed, I'd finally got the ship and kitted it out to my liking for it to be destroyed. Oh well, thank god for insurance I suppose. Another saving grace was that on the respawn screen it was going to put me back at the correct location too! Ok, awesome – I was so relieved. Ok, so the insurance meant I had to pay a couple of hundred thousand I think for a new ship, but I guess it could have been a lot worse.

I bought the ship, spawned in at the base and then… Oh no… The meta alloy. I couldn't believe it. Of course the original inventory was lost… God… Damn… It.

I think some people in the area saw what happened and said I could go to their fleet carrier and get one, even getting it for free actually,but I don't know. At that stage I didn't really trust anyone – what was to stop them from blowing me up again as I left the station? Or better yet I guess they could give me the meta alloy, send me on my way and then the same thing could happen again and I get destroyed just as I drew near once more.

I was a bit deflated at that point I think, so I just decided to call it there for the night,and j figure I'll try again at some other time when perhaps I'll get a bit luckier, but still after all said and done I guess I ended up having quite the adventure. I'll get my engineering next time.

Stay safe out there commanders o7


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